

英漢字典: get into

1. enter 進入

    How did the thieves get into the house?這些竊賊怎麼進入室內的?

2. put on;fit 穿上;適合

    As I have gained weight, I can't get into my best suit. 因為體重增加,我無法穿我那件最好的西裝。

3. arrive at 到達

    The ship got into the harbour safely. 船平安地駛進了海港。

4. learn or start 學習;著手

    I must get into training soon;the cricket season starts next month. 我得馬上投入訓練,板球季節下個月就開始了。

    You'll soon get into the way of doing it. 你很快就能學會做這件事。

5. fall into or suffer;become a victim of (trouble,difficulty,debt,etc)陷入(麻煩、困難、債務等)

    It's easier to get into debt than to get out of it again. 借債容易還債難。

    He wouldn't take advice,and now he has got into difficulties. 他不聽忠告,結果現在陷入困境。

    How on earth did Mary get herself into such a ridiculous situation?瑪麗究竟是怎樣使自己陷入如此荒唐可笑的境地的?

    I promise never to get into debt again. 我保證今後永不借債。

    Please don't make so much noise. You'll get me into trouble. 請不要這麼吵鬧,你們會使我感到很煩躁。

6. acquire;develop;get into (a habit,etc. )養成;染上(習慣等)

    The children got into the bad habit of switching on the television as soon as they came back from school. 孩子們養成了壞習慣,從學校一回來就打開電視機。

    Don't let yourself get into the bad habit of smoking. 不要讓自己染上抽煙的壞習慣。

7. enter involuntarily;cause sb. to enter a certain emotional state;be affected by 不自覺地陷入或使某人陷入某種精神狀態;受…影響

    When John found that his wife had gone out without waiting for him, he got into a blind fury and smashed the furniture up. 當約翰發現他妻子不等他就外出時,便莫名奇妙地勃然大怒並且砸壞了家俱。

    You shouldn't let yourself get into a stew about nothing. It's bad for your blood pressure. 你不應無事自擾,這對你的血壓不利。

    He gets into a terrible rage if you just mention money. 你只要一提到錢,他就大怒起來。

8. (cause to) be elected 當選;使選入

    He got into Parliament with an overwhelming majority. 他因獲得絕大多數票而被選入議會。

    The Conservatives got into office, but with a small majority. 保守黨上台了,不過是以微弱多數上台的。

9. succeed in obtaining;gain possession or control of 獲得;贏得;支配

    The new measures are fast getting into favour with the students. 這些新舉措迅速得到了學生們的擁護。

    I don't know what has got into my son. He doesn't come back home until six. 我不知道什麼東西使我兒子著了迷,他不到6點不回家。

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